Syair merupakan salah satu Puisi Lama.
Syair berasal dari Bahasa Arab yaitu Syi'ir atau Syu'ur yang artinya Perasaan yang Mendalam.
Awal mula Syair berasal dari Persia dan masuk ke Indonesia bersama dengan Agama Islam
Kini Syair mengalami banyak modifikasi seiring berkembangnya zaman sehingga menjadi Khas Melayu
Syair Renungan Islami untuk memahami suatu peristiwa atau kejadian kehidupan dalam Cerita
Macam-macam Syair :
1. Syair Panji
2. Syair Kiasan
3. Syair Romantis
4. Syair Sejarah
5. Syair Agama
Awal mula syair masuk ke Indonesia bersama dengan masuknya Islam, artinya syair agama banyak berkembang di Nusantara
+ Versi Updet
+ Pengembangan Aplikasi
+ Penambahan materi guna menambah ilmu dan pengetahuan di antaranya:
+ Doa-doa Islam
+ Amalan Sunnah Rosul
+ Tafsir Mimpi Kajian Islam
+ Kisah Hikmah Kehidupan
+ Latahzan Solusi Kehidupan
+ Motivasi Kisah Hidup
+ Kata Mutiara Aa Gym
+ Puisi Islami
+ Bidayatul Hidayah
+ Panduan Jenazah
+ Panduan Ziarah
+ Kumpulan Tausiyah
+ Tausiyah Islam
+ Wasiat Muslimah
+ Fadilah Al-Quran
+ Perintah Berhijab
+ Hadis Akhir Zaman
+ Kumpulan Kisah Islami
+ Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul
+ Kisah Istri Rasul
+ Kisah Malaikat Allah
+ Kisah Nabi Khidir
+ Kisah Syekh Abdul Qadir
+ Kisah Para Waliullah
+ Kisah Nasihat Islami
Semoga aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat
Jika ada masukan dan saran mohon kirmkan lewat Email kami di;
Poem is one of the Old Poems.
Poetry comes from Arabic which is Syi'ir or Syu'ur which means Deep Feelings .
At first Syair came from Persia and entered Indonesia along with Islam
Now Syair has undergone many modifications as the era evolves so that it becomes Typical Malay
Islamic Devotional Verses to understand an event or life event in Stories
Types of Poetry:
1. Poetry of the banner
2. Figurative Poetry
3. Romantic Poetry
4. Historical Poetry
5. Religious Poetry
The beginning of the poem entered Indonesia along with the entry of Islam, meaning that many religious poems developed in the archipelago
+ Updet Version
+ Application Development
+ Addition of material to increase knowledge and knowledge including:
+ Islamic prayers
+ Practice the Sunnah Rosul
+ Interpretation of Dreams of Islamic Studies
+ Story of the Wisdom of Life
+ Latahzan Solusi Hidup
+ Motivation of Life Story
+ Aphorisms Aa Gym
+ Islamic poetry
+ Bidayatul Hidayah
+ Guide to Bodies
+ Pilgrimage Guide
+ Collection of Tausiyah
+ Tausiyah Islam
+ Testament of Muslimah
+ Fad Al-Quran
+ Berhijab Command
+ End Times Hadith
+ Collection of Islamic stories
+ The story of 25 Prophets and Apostles
+ The story of the Apostle's Wife
+ The story of the Angel of God
+ The story of Prophet Khidr
+ The story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir
+ The Story of the Waliullah
+ The story of Islamic Advice
Hopefully this application can be useful
If there is input and suggestion please send it via Email we at;